
Technical Presentations

I enjoy speaking to local user groups and sharing what I've learned with others. Here are a few presentations I've given in the past.

Refactoring Your Code to Use the Latest C# Features

September 28, 2023—Capital City .NET User Group

Over the years, the C# language has undergone significant transformations. With new features continually being introduced, your code can benefit from improved readability and a boost in developer satisfaction. Discussion on these innovative features and how to seamlessly integrate them into your codebase.

Source code

What's new in C# 7

March 1, 2018—Capital City .NET User Group

C# 7 adds a number of new features and brings a focus on data consumption, code simplification and performance. There are many other features big and small. The C# 7 language had multiple changes in 2017, gaining a bunch of fun, interesting and needed improvements. Jason will give a review of the new language features in C# and how to utilize them to save time—and sanity—on your projects.

Game programming with JavaScript

November 19, 2014—Tally JS

Learn how to make 2D games that run in the browser with JavaScript.

Slides & Source Code

Wrapping your brain around Async and Await in C#

October 23, 2014—Tallahassee Code Camp 10

Learn how to make your code asynchronous and common pitfalls encountered when doing so.

Slides & Source Code

Introduction to Xamarin

August 14, 2014—Technology Grows

An introduction to programming mobile apps with Xamarin and C#

Technical Interviewing: Tips 'n' Tricks

November 9, 2013—Tallahassee Code Camp 9

Interview tips while seeking an exciting career as a computer programmer, and a few for interviewers too.



December 5, 2013—Capital City .NET User Group

Introduction to Android programming with Xamarin and C#


April 15, 2010—Capital City .NET User Group

Things *NOT* to do while programming



April 2, 2009—Capital City .NET User Group

An introduction to jQuery